See the new TTK flier here, updated in November 2024, complete with pictures.
For TTK's most recent news items:
- See our monthly e-newsletter, Kingston Environment News, shared with Kingston Environment Centre, for monthly updates, local green events coming up, and other news and information from TTK , Kingston Environment Centre, other local friends and the wider Transition and environmental world... See also TTK on Facebook for updates.
- Repair Cafe Kingston updates, 2022 onwards
- See also the pages of individual projects, e g TTK Energy Group updates or Canbury Community Garden on Facebook.
You can sign up to receive Kingston Environment News by monthly email and/or see past issues here. From May 2018 new data protection rules mean that you need to make sure you have subscribed or re-subscribed yourself to continue to receive the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of the newsletter.
If you have news to share, please email our editor, and if you'd like to be a regular contributor and receive requests for news and reminders every month, you can sign up here.
In January 2016 we began taking turns at editing the newsletter with Kingston Environment Centre, with KEC sending out their editions about 4 times a year and TTK covering all the other months, sharing news and events and the new title, Kingston Environment News. In summer 2017 we started using the same new design and a shared mailing list, though editors retained some of their own priorities and regular items, and more recently TTK took on the main job of compiling and editing the news. In December 2019, we redesigned the template once more to make the newsletter more readable on mobile phones, and in 2023 began the difficult task of cutting content, again to make it more reader-friendly, by listing other local green groups but giving space to their events and campaigns only and by moving some of the more static information to this website with links to it.