A selection of TTK’s public events between 2010 and 2018

Alongside ongoing TTK projects and regular activities, we hosted many open events and discussions between 2010 and 2018, which can be seen below as well as in past newslettersEarlier events, between 2008, when TTK began, and 2010 are summarised here.

Our AGM minutes also give good overviews of each year’s activities and can be read in this AGM folder. 

“Ten years of TTK”, the slide show for our 2018 AGM and celebration can be viewed as a pdf here.

Management team: Anyone interested is welcome to come to our management team meetings, currently (2018) on the last Tuesday evening of every month. See Events to check time and place, and come along to pitch an idea, to offer help, to meet us… You can find out more about the current management team and read notes from team meetings from 2015 onwards here.

Our meeting is followed by Kingston Green Drinks, a monthly free social event  for anyone interested or working locally in environmental issues, hosted by Transition Town Kingston. We welcome everyone to come along to have a drink, make new connections, and share news, insights, activities, events and strategies with like-minded people - see Events for details,. 


Events from 2019 onwards

can be seen by scrolling back in our Events section


December 21, Solstice Party, hosted jointly with Kingston Environment Centre

November 2, Canbury Community Garden bonfire party and BBQ

September, "Trump v Gore": TTK's Alison Whybrow invited Shar Olivier, sustainability activist and campaigner, to Kingston Quaker Centre to share her recent experience of working with Al Gore at his climate reality coalition training camp in California. A range of people came along to discuss Shar's three questions: Do we need to change? Can we change? Will we change? Gore’s organisation provides powerful and compelling, though stark, answers. This diverse group, in the limited time we had, made new connections, had new conversations, came up with some answers, and, we hope, left with a new awareness and new possibilities. Read Alison's account of the evening here.

Sunday 2 September, from midday, TTK were in the Green Zone at Kingston Carnival, at the end of a trail of green footprints with many of the other local green groups in the Green Zone on the church lawn facing John Lewis (photo on the left).

August: Canbury Community Garden barbecue 

Sat 4 Aug, 1.00pm – 5.00pm, “Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream”: a unique interactive workshop held in John Lewis's new Community Hub, with participant discussion intertwined with a tapestry of video interviews and information about the state of the world, our earth, our human family and how we got here.

(Re-)Launch of Kingston Green Drinks: from the end of June 2018, TTK hosted monthly Green Drinks at Woody's riverside bar, Kingston, on the last Tuesday of every month 

10th birthday cakeSaturday 2 June, 2018 AGM and TTK's 10th birthday celebration: over 40 of TTK’s supporters and friends gathered for a review of the past year and pledges and ideas for the next year.  Amongst TTK's plans for the future were a revival of monthly Kingston Green Drinks, a barbecue at Canbury Community Garden in August, a car-free day and participation in Kingston Carnival Green Zone in September, a regular Happiness Café ... After the business part of the afternoon, we went on to celebrate our 10th birthday with tea and cake (pictured right) created by Alison Whybrow, a celebratory rap from Des Kay, and plenty of socialising, while a slide show of the highlights of 10 years played in the background (you can see a pdf of “Ten years of TTK” here and read the 2017-2018 AGM minutes here).

See more pictures from 2018.



September, Politics, Environment, People presentation on "Transition - Making our towns worth living in” by TTK's Marilyn to a small but friendly audience in Richmond.

August, Canbury Community Garden open afternoon and BBQ

August, Marilyn from TTK mets with John Lewis Kingston Community Liaison partner, Lene, for a mutual update. 

April, film show: “Demain”: on a warm, sunny April afternoon in early April, more than 60 people joined TTK in a darkened room on a journey towards "Tomorrow". This was for a showing of the much heralded and inspiring film made by French activists, actors and film makers who travelled the world seeking practical solutions to the complex global problems we face. In connection with the Transition Network, TTK wanted to show the film to engage and inspire the local community, and those who came felt their time was well spent. In the discussion afterwards, we met a range of people, from fellow Transitioners to complete newbies, and there was a sense of engagement and energy in the room in response to the film. Among the audience there was a consensus that the experience was an inspiring one, offering positive and constructive actions to tackle our shared challenges. We gathered a number of new names, and ideas from the event which we will be sharing and exploring over the coming weeks and months.

13 May, TTK AGM, 2016-2018 AGM Minutes here.

See more pictures from 2017.



September, Green Zone of Kingston Carnival: TTK were there, along with many of the other green groups in the area (photo on the right).

June 18, TTK’s 8th birthday party celebration and 2016 AGM at Kingston Environment Centre, with entertainment, TTK cider sampling, formal business, and picnic / barbecue / refreshments. TTK AGM 2015 - 2016 Minutes here.

Summer, TTK adopts the nascent Canbury Community Garden project.

Thursday 31 March, “Whose food is it anyway?” at Kingston Quaker Centre, brought to you by Transition Town Kingston and Global Justice Now, this special event explored the corporate takeover of the global food system and the alternatives. Speakers Aisha Dodwell (Global Justice Now) and Andy Goldring (Permaculture Association) discussed different aspects of an alternative, agro-ecological vision for the food system – one that puts people before profits, and serves the common good. 

February, 3 Saturday mornings: “Keeping cosy…” energy-saving workshops, 3 sessions held by TTK Energy Group at Kingston Environment Centre, were very useful for those who participated, though numbers were small. You can see the outline and useful tips and links from the workshops here

See more pictures from 2016.



November, “We need to talk about nuclear…”: Transition Town Kingston's topical discussion at Kingston Quaker Centre, Fairfield East. We urgently need clean, sustainable energy – should nuclear be part of the mix? 

October strategy meeting brought some TTK members and friends together to discuss a strategic direction for the next five years. The most important theme was the need to set a clear and inspiring vision that would help encourage more people to get involved in the Transition project. We also discussed actions to take forward over the coming months, including: identifying key issues that TTK could campaign on, for example: plastic and food waste; engaging with Kingston Council leadership to maximise our input into their developing environmental agenda; mapping the breadth of environmental and community groups across the Kingston area and identifying their concerns and opportunities to join up and increase our impact. We also had a detailed discussion on how we could make an impact on transforming the local economy. 

August, TTK at Kingston Food Festival talked to passers-by about TTK project Abundance, Love Food Hate Waste, and TTK veg box scheme From the Ground Up (FGU), and shared a table with TTK Friends Kingston Beekeepers who, as always, proved a big draw. Hilary showed off some Abundance kit, Fiona offered samples and recipes from FGU, and Marilyn gave people tips about saving money by throwing away less food – the most needed tips seemed to be that you can probably freeze many more foods than you thought you could, and that bargains aren’t bargains if you can’t eat them before they start to perish - more about use by dates here.  

August, TTK at Kingston’s Green Debate - but where was everyone else? It seemed that we had some way to go before climate change was a subject of general interest in Kingston, and TTK was the only local community group to take a space. The debate, early in August, included some fascinating presentations on coral reefs as indicators of climate change and providers of eco-system services, on how to change attitudes and behaviour locally and internationally (hard but not impossible, as examples such as smoking and drink-driving indicated), on the difficulties of international, inter-cultural discussions, and on spiritual and ethical motivations (presented by the Bishop of Kingston). Although the handful of people present couldn’t solve these global problems even in three days of thoughtful exchanges, it seemed that combinations of carrot and stick, personal and political, science, education and the arts, were the best - perhaps the only - ways forward.

Sat 16 May, TTK  Urban Regeneration walk along the waterway by the Olympic Park explored an interesting mix of disused or converted ex-industrial buildings, post-Olympics facilities, and expensive new apartments taking advantage of its closeness to the City.

April, "Eat, Drink and be Merry - Made in Kingston", our AGM and birthday party: we hoped that those who came to our birthday party, celebration of local food and AGM in April enjoyed themselves and felt inspired to join a TTK group or project. If you weren't there, you missed lots of news from TTK and our friends, a couple of TTK launches - our new website and a “Friends of TTK” scheme for local community groups and projects that share TTK's values and aims, a delicious birthday cake and other goodies, and free strawberry plants and other lovely local produce. AGM minutes here. 

February, "Energy for the future – is policy fit for purpose?": Energy Secretary and local MP, Ed Davey and Duncan Law of Biofuelwatch discussed a wide range of energy issues facing the local and wider community at Kingston Workmen’s Club.

See pictures from 2015.



July, Presentation on community plans for the Old Post Office: TTK hosted this presentation just in time for the pre-planning exhibition and consultation by the new owner, developer St George.  Some of the TOPO steering group later met the developers and had a tour of the main Post Office building, which was in a sorry state but had lots of potential (including for TTK events).  Members of the steering group also met the new leader of Kingston Council, Cllr Kevin Davis. Find out more about the TOPO consortium and its campaign.

TTK 2014 AGM, 6th birthday party, film show and launch of “Growing Together”: TTK celebrated 6 years of activity in the Kingston community, and reviewed last year and looked forward to the next in our 2014 AGM . Some management team members stood down and a core team was confirmed. We also launched the TTK “Growing Together” season with the film “Local Food Roots”.  There were also displays to browse, refreshments (thanks to Toni), plants and seeds to share, and a raffle, and the Club bar was open all evening for those who wanted to stay, chat and find out more about TTK and other local environmental projects. We thought it a pleasant, informative and sociable evening – it was good to see some new faces as well as some old friends. See the 2-13-14 AGM minutes

See pictures from 2014.



November, film show: “Trashed”: Thanks to everyone who came along to see this documentary film, for bringing food to share in the spirit of TTK, and special thanks to the TTK management catering team, Julie, Toni and Des, for an impressive spread, and to Greener Upon Thames for the loan of the DVD.  Though “Trashed” (see http://www.trashedfilm.com/) wa a rather grim film, the waste problem is not totally insoluble and hopeless – for one, we could at least urge our councils to be rigorous about arrangements for filtering and maintenance of any incinerators they commissioned. And most of us could probably buy less, waste less, inspect all packaging for ability to be recycled and refuse plastic bags. 

July, TTK Open Meeting: Storytelling TTK past and future: a celebration of the rich stories of the last 5 years and planning some of the stories for the next few, with food and drink to share.

July, #11 Supper Club gourmet vegetarian meal at Tamesis Sailing Club, Teddington,

a vegetarian feast by the riverside (pictured right), with organic ingredients sourced within 10 miles of Kingston, prepared by by ex-chefs from Michelin-starred Petersham and The River Cafe. Congratulations to No.11 Supper Club who created it, Hounslow Farm and others who grew it, From the Ground Up who initiated and convened it, Tamesis Club who hosted it, and those of us who turned up and relished eating it.

June, Urbanfarmacy Working Party Surbiton: TTK folk helped local YMCA group start to transform part of an overgrown suburban garden into an abundant permaculture space by pulling out pernicious weeds and planting squashes, calendula and beans on a gloriously sunny afternoon in Surbiton. 

June, Rob Hopkins on “The Power of Just Doing Stuff” at Crystal Palace, hosted by the Crystal Palace Transition group: many of TTK management team (a few of us pictured left) went off to Crystal Palace to be inspired by Rob Hopkins, co-founder of the first Transition Initiative in the UK, in Totnes, and of the Transition movement, and to hear about his new book The Power of Just Doing Stuff. Rob was an energising speaker who conveyed boundless optimism and hope. 

May, TTK 2012-13 AGM and 5th birthday party: an opportunity to review yet another busy year for TTK, to thank the many people whose efforts had made the year’s activities and this gathering possible, to plan for the future, and to catch up with each other informally over refreshments. We also remembered Arthur Howarth and Penny Manners, two dear supporters who had sadly passed away this year. Less conventionally, the afternoon also included a cabaret: an hour of delightful music and wit on environmental themes provided by Gaia Cabaret (aka Peter Horton, flier on the right), with plenty of audience participation. One of his songs, for which the audience joined in the chorus, was “Juggins Lugger”, about the voyage of humanity aboard the “juggins lugger” (“juggins” being an old word for simpleton), with the creatures of the ocean observing us blithely assuming that we are superior and can party on for ever while throwing our rubbish overboard. Not only did we sing, but 12 brave volunteers each acted as a month in a “Cosmic Calendar” representing the history of the Earth as one year. Life appeared quite early, but things moved slowly until the final few days when dinosaurs, and then mammals, arrived, followed by we humans in just the final hour and a half – so the cabaret certainly put our species in its place! Although not a scientist Peter had spent a lot of time with scientists, was excited by science, and was doing an excellent job of making it accessible and fun. AGM minutes.

May, TTK out and about: TTK was at various events in the borough in May, including May Merrie in Memorial Gardens, central Kingston on Monday 6th May, and Surbiton Food Festival in the week of 12-19 May.

April, Broad Oaks, Tolworth, “Spring Clean”: local residents and businesses, supported by Transition Tolworth, got together in two sessions, morning or afternoon, to clear up Broad Oaks and do some planting in the community garden established behind the former Blockbusters by volunteers from TTK and local residents. It was a very successful day –see http://transitiontolworth.org.uk for an account and lots of photographs.

March, Green Open Houses 2013: members of TTK Energy Group opened  their energy-efficient houses to the public for the Superhomes weekend. 

March, Paint the Town Green 2013, all over Kingston: this year Paint the Town Green, Kingston’s annual celebration of all things environmental, was timed for national Climate Week 2013. TTK was an active participant, helping Kingston Environment Group’s working party to organise the week’s events, with TTK members and project groups running activities that included several swapping events and Professor Kayoss at the Rose… The 16 businesses that joined the Big Switch Off, switching off unnecessary lights and equipment when their shops and offices were not in use, were: WPG Surveys Ltd, Surbiton; John Lewis Kingston; Penmor, Surbiton; KEW Lighting, New Malden; Woodland Traditional Windows, Kingston; Seoul Residential, New Malden; Ditton Wine Traders, Surbiton; Simone Kay Stained Glass, Kingston; Kingston Citizens Advice Bureau; Parabola Software, Surbiton; Whitman Fry Wealth Management Ltd, Kingston; SJJ Limited; La Tasca, Kingston; Kingston Chamber of Commerce; Jivadental, Kingston; Cine Sanctuary. The local schools that ran an environmental assembly were  during the week were: Coombe Boys; Coombe Hill Infants; Corpus Christi Primary; Knollmead Primary; Christ Church, New Malden; Coombe Hill Juniors; The Study; Burlington Infant and Nursery School. And the local businesses and organisations that have so far made a Green Pledge to commit to their own environmental actions include: Parabola Software Ltd; Kingston Citizen Advice; Green Leaf Transportation; Rose Theatre Kingston; Surbiton Fire Station; From the Ground Up; Kingston Environment Centre; Save the World Club; Simone Kay Simone Kay Stained Glass; Kingston Council.

February, TTK open meeting – on “Guerrillallotments”: Transitioners who’d like to see fruit, vegetables and bee-friendly plants growing in Kingston’s neglected public spaces (verges, roundabouts, planters, odd corners of parks…) and unusual private spaces (front gardens, balconies, rooftops, windowboxes…). gathered at C-SCAIPE to plot their plots. We discussed where (central Kingston was considered a particularly good spot for publicity and compactness) and how to coordinate our activities and get permission so that we didn’t dig up each others seeds or disrupt areas already set aside for nature conservation. Free wild flower seed-balls and guidance on growing and companion planting from the River of Flowers were given away, and possible participation in the Chelsea Fringe festival and obtaining funding and free plants were also discussed. A result of the meeting was a new project Urbanfarmacy, set up by Fiona Quinn, owner of Saffron Organic, with the aim of helping the local community to grow seasonal fresh food, and herbs which could be eaten or used to make skin care products. Urbanfarmacy offered to help Kingston’s “urban farmers” to find unused growing spaces around the borough to cultivate with food and other useful plants, along with the wild flowers that play such a vital role in supporting pollinators. Urbanfarmacy also had plans for a special Chelsea Fringe project. 

January, “Energy we can all afford?” in Kingston Market House: “Warmer homes, lower bills, cooler planet” – how could we achieve these? TTK, working with Kingston’s Save the World Club and the national Energy We Can All Afford campaign, hosted a panel discussion on this topic, covering fuel poverty, energy efficiency and the current Energy Bill. The Rt Hon Edward Davey MP for Kingston and Surbiton and Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change was keynote speaker, and the panel of experts, local and national, consisted of Shane Brennan, Chief Executive of Age Concern Kingston, Andrew Pendleton of Friends of the Earth, Martyn Williams from Transform UK, and Ben Farnes, Young Media Champion, National Children’s Bureau. Well attended, with good questions from the floor and a consistent message from the panel that insulation of our old and inadequate housing stock was a sustainable and feasible way to deal with fuel poverty, the event showed a keen local appetite for such discussions and left many wanting more. Thanks to the many helpers from TTK and our co-organiser Save the World Club, it was both a sociable evening with plentiful refreshments and some interesting displays and giveaway energy-saving items, as well as one where important messages were delivered to the Secretary of State for Environment and Climate Change.

See more pictures from 2013.



December, TTK Energy Group event “Energy efficiency: whole house strategies” at C-SCAIPE, Kingston University Penrhyn Road campus: this talk, hosted by TTK Energy Group, attracted a good diverse audience with lots of excellent questions for Marine Sanchez, Building Physics Engineer, and Inigo Harrison, Project Manager, of greentomatoenergy (now Enhabit).  Marine and Inigo discussed the advantages of various energy-efficiency measures in the home, from the easy low-cost wins that everyone should do first, such as draught-proofing and LED lights, to high tech and expensive renovations and solutions, as well as the challenges and problems associated with retrofitting the older houses that most of us live in. Marine pointed out that most of the cost of work on your house is labour, so having extra layers of insulation while the work was being done was relatively inexpensive, and that an essential part of any energy-efficiency measure is “training” the householder to make it work for them. They expertly answered questions about condensation, cold spots and thermal bridges, triple and secondary glazing, conservatories, the merits of various forms of wall insulation and cladding, and how to keep houses cool as well as warm and healthy as well as air-tight. Like most interested observers, they were waiting for the Green Deal to be fully worked out, but warned that some Green Deal assessors and installers might only have a couple of days’ training, that some suggested improvements could actually damage a property, and that the interest rate on Green Deal loans was likely to higher than one could get elsewhere. It was really useful to hear properly qualified experts speaking on an issue that concerns most of us and where there is almost as much bad advice as good to be had.

October, Think in Kingston 2012 – on Money, all month, around the borough: TTK and many of our friends, supporters and affiliates organised events and contributed ideas during Kingston’s annual festival of ideas. The Transition movement, as well as its interest in building reslience against climate change and peak oil, is interested in relocalising the economy – and this was our opportunity to explore these ideas with other members of the community in discussions about alternatives to conventional banks and money, the People’s Budget, ethical investing, and what we could do as individuals and as a community about the state of the national and global economy. See www.thinkinkingston.org.uk for the full programme of events and brief accounts of some of the discussions.

October, “Living Landscapes – making space for nature in the urban environment” at Kingston Working Men’s Club: Do we really want wild nature in Kingston? Are we prepared to make space for it, live with its untidiness, pay for it? What’s in it for us? The Transition Town Kingston event “Living Landscapes…” explored these questions – in displays about wild flowers, bees and other pollinators from River of Flowers, local beekeepers, Kingston Environment Centre and the Environment Trust, and in a panel discussion chaired by local ecologist and TTK supporter John Fellowes. Expert panellists, Kathryn Lwin of River of Flowers, Marie-Claire Edwards (Green Spaces Service Manager, Kingston Council) and Jacqui Weir of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds found much common ground in their concerns about declining populations of bees and other pollinators and once-common birds like the house sparrow, and shared practical and imaginative ideas about how to create, restore and maintain natural habitats in Kingston. See “Living Landscapes” for more about the project and ideas on suburban biodiversity.

August, TTK’s wheel for the 2012 Olympics in the window of Uniqlo, Clarence Street: TTK contributed to Kingstonfirst’s “205 wheels” community arts project to celebrate the Olympic Cycle Road Race, and our creation ended up in the window of Uniqlo). Thank you Toni, Des and Steph for monkeys, fruit, flowers, and ribbons for our 2012 tribute to (happy, sustainable, peaceful) Costa Rica.

July, “Nightmare on Fleet Street… and Downing Street”, hosted by TTK at C-SCAIPE, proved an interesting insight into where power lies (and it’s certainly not with us!), as well as into some radical ideas about how democracy could be reshaped.  Ex-Reuters journalist Patrick Chalmers read from the opening chapter of his highly topical insider’s account of the media’s complicity with power, Fraudcast News – How Bad Journalism Supports Our Bogus Democracies, and then answered questions. Patrick’s mission was “to contribute to the development of real democracy at the local, national and global levels of our society” – and his talk and book were part of that mission. It was clear, as the Leveson Inquiry was revealing and Patrick confirmed, that the conventional media were failing to act in the public interest or to counter public powerlessness. Inadequate and inaccurate media coverage of climate change and looming energy shortages were probably of most concern to many environmentalists, but the discussion and references (with plenty of suggested reading) also ranged over: the Arab spring; participative democracy (with the example of the Zapistas in Mexico); the Power Inquiry report (Joseph Rowntree Trust); 9/11; jury service (a model for a reformed House of Lords?); the pamphlet From Dictatorship to Democracyand the new on-line magazine Stir… It was not all gloom, as Patrick also suggested alternatives to our dependence on conventional media: contemporary electronic kit, the internet and social media enabled anyone to become a citizen journalist. Thank you to Patrick for a stimulating Friday evening, and to everyone who came along and contributed to the discussion, drinks and snacks.

June, TTK with the Voluntary Sector in the Market Place: TTK were invited to have a stall at this event, and Peter and Hilary (pictured right) talked to the Mayor of Kingston about solar panels.

June, Kingston Rio Connection event in the Market House, Market Place, Kingston: TTK was one of the co-organisers of this discussion, part of a national debate organised by the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition to mark 20 years on from the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. This summer government representatives from around the world met at a ‘Rio+20’ summit to discuss sustainable development, and this event was a invitation to join this pre-summit discussion in Kingston to discuss sustainable development with our panel of experts: Ed Davey MP – (for Kingston & Surbiton, and Secretary of State (SoS for Energy and Climate Change) ; Christine Allen (Chair) – Director of Policy & Public Affairs – Christian Aid; Laura Taylor –  Head of Policy – Tearfund; Hilary Gander – Transition Town Kingston; Alban Thurston – Project Director – Juice From Your Roof. Ed said that we had made progress since the first Earth Summit in Rio 20 years ago but that it had been ‘far, far too slow’. He spoke about the importance of the sustainable development goals food security, access to clean water and access for all to green, clean energy and the ‘moral imperative of taking action in this area’. You can hear some of what Ed said here: http://tinyurl.com/6who8bs. Our audience had a chance to put questions and make comments after hearing from all the speakers and the topics ranged from the choice of investing in road building as opposed to other forms of sustainable transport, to the sustainability of global population growth. At the end of the meeting, attended also by the mayor of Kingston, Mary Heathcote, OBE there was a chance for photos with the minister – this one shows he has put his name to the Rio-UK Declaration for a Sustainable Future. To read the text and find out about which other MPs have signed the declaration, see http://www.stopclimatechaos.org/rio-connection/.

May, TTK out and about in Paint the Town Green, all over the borough of Kingston: alongside ongoing work on all our projects, we we even more active and visible than usual with TTK volunteers on stalls at Kingston’s May Merrie, the Seething Sports Day and the Alpha Road Fun Day, selling teas, coffees and cakes at All Saints Church, and Stitch in Time sewing workshops in Tolworth Library and at a lunch-hour session with a Refugee Action Kingston group. We also held a public showing of “In Transition 2.0 – a story of resilience and hope in extraordinary times”, the new film from Transition Network, capturing inspiring stories of Transition initiatives around the world, responding to uncertain times with creativity, solutions and ‘engaged optimism’. 

May, TTK arrange 2 free half-day workshops on publicity for local green groups with Lynne Walsh, journalist, media adviser, campaigner and trainer: tips on building winning stories and communicating with journalists with examples of good, bad and mediocre writing, and simple techniques to make writing more direct and vibrant. You can read some of the notes and advice that were an outcome of the workshops here.

May, Green Open House weekend 2012: “It’s good to talk” all over the borough of Kingston: The first ever Kingston Green Open House, a TTK Energy Group contribution to Kingston’s Paint the Town Green month, proved a very promising initiative – relatively small in numbers (of open houses and visitors) but providing useful and positive interactions between householders who had undertaken a variety of energy-saving and other green actions and visitors seeking (and occasionally offering) impartial advice, based on experience, on what worked, what didn’t, what was cost-effective, which materials had been used and why, what would be practicable… One satisfied visitor reported: “We visited four places on that day. Every one of them helped with questions I have been struggling to answer for a very long time. I can’t tell you how good it is to have found people with such enthusiasm and such a depth of experience, so willing to talk and share their knowledge.” And a TTK Open House host said: “I enjoyed it! I like chatting about these things and sharing what I’ve learnt so far… and I think that they enjoyed it. It worked well that all four visitors were here at the same time so they got to learn from each other’s questions.” Another was very relieved that she had invited her heat pump installer to come along to answer technical questions! Thank you to the TTK-ers and friends of TTK-ers who opened their homes to visitors. To think about for next year: how to publicise better and expand the numbers of participating homes and visitors; how to follow up and continue the engagement with interested visitors.

April, TTK AGM and 4th birthday party at C-SCAIPE , Kingston Uni: at TTK’s first AGM, in April 2012, the new constitution was discussed and agreed with some minor clarifications and 12 volunteers came forward for the new management team. You can read the AGM minutes, with the year’s accounts and the newly approved constitution. The formal part of the meeting was followed by a brief celebration of TTK’s 4th birthday with cake and refreshments. Thank you to everyone to everyone who came along and participated or volunteered or provided refreshments, especially Toni for the splendid birthday cake! 

February, Where does your heat go? Thermal imaging “party”: Four very different houses in Kingston, and several lessons, were organised by Kevin Burchell of Kingston University’s Smart Communities project, hosted by Peter and Marilyn Mason of Transition Town Kingston, and conducted by John Gallop and Sue Williams of South West London Environment Network (swlen.org.uk). Key lessons included: take a critical look at your front door and your pet-flap (could be worthwhile fixes); seal those draughts (cheap and effective); consider double-glazing and other insulation (not so cheap, but effective); live in a modern house (not necessarily feasible). Read more here, including some advice.

January, TTK Open Meeting, at C-SCAIPE, Kingston Uni: TTK had had great success in the three years since it began, but it was time for a reorganisation, to ensure that project teams were represented on the Steering Group, that the structure was working for everyone, that everything that needed to be done was being done, and that each person was doing what they enjoyed and valued.  There were reports from the various project group and there would be further developments in the AGM, coming up in April. See write-up here.

See more pictures from 2012.



December, TTK’s Kingston Green e-Directory goes public at Kingston Market House: green-minded consumers and Kingston councillors mingled with green and aspiring green enterprises to celebrate the launch of TTK’s Kingston Green e-Directory… Read the full report here.

October, TTK in Think in Kingston 2011 – on Happiness, at C-Scaipe, Kingston University: TTK showed the new film The Economics of Happiness and then led  a discussion, in small groups so that everyone could participate as they wished. The Economics of Happiness described a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions: on the one hand, an unholy alliance of governments and big business continues to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power; at the same time, people all over the world are resisting those policies, demanding re-regulation of trade and finance — and, far from the old institutions of power, they’re starting to forge a very different future. Communities are coming together to re-build more human scale, ecological economies based on a new paradigm – an economics of localization. More about Think in Kingston on Happiness at www.thinkinkingston.org.uk.

July, TTK “Tricky Time Trial” outside Kingston Guildhall: who went fastest in the TTK time trial: the BMW, the bicycle, the scooter, the skateboard or the roller-blades? There was a catch, as you might expect from a event organised by TTK for Zero Carbon Britain Day. Read the full report here and watch a video about it here. (Photo on the left)

June, TTK Open Meeting at C-SCAIPE, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road: an opportunity to find out about projects that were up and running but needed help: From the Ground Up veg box scheme, the Orchard project, Stitch in Time social sewing group, CRED (Cambridge Road Gardening Group)…

March, Learn a skill: making a raised vegetable bed, Upper Park Road, Kingston: a chance to learn how to build a raised bed from recycled materials and have a go. All materials, tools, knowledge and refreshments were provided and there was a picnic lunch afterwards.

March, Kingston Green Business Day at Kingston Environment Centre, Fairfield East: TTK participated in this event, organised by KEC, exploring what a green business was, how to develop environmental policies and action plans, and how to identify funding. The workshops were led by a range of experts with experience of action, and were suitable for anyone wanting to learn more about starting, growing or campaigning for Greener Businesses, those interested in creating or working in green jobs;, SMEs needing an update on Environmental Policy and/or an Action Plan, any organisation wanting to improve its environmental and sustainable performance and credentials.

March, Stitch in Time – Spring Clean your Wardrobe at Kingston Environment Centre, Fairfield East: clothes from the charity shop or the back of your wardrobe that needed repairs or didn’t fit? Hems to go up – or down? This was an opportunity for a spring make-do-and-mend project (or any other sewing problem) at our monthly sociable sewing session. 

March, Kingston in 2050 – A Green Energy Future? at the Market House, Kingston: a day-long programme of expert speakers and public discussion focused on the future aspirations of a greener Kingston and the path to achieving climate change resiliency. Based on a vision 4 kingston-2050, Transition Town Kingston and Kingston Council brought together the perspectives of experts from industry, government, academia, and the third-sector to address the opportunities and challenges of making this vision happen. 

February. Seething Festival , Surbiton: TTK members joined in Seething Festival‘s fun procession at 3.30pm. The “ancient” Guild of Taxonomists celebrated the regionally important species (lapwings, roosting bats, rare water beetles) found at the nature site in the filter beds on the Portsmouth Road.  TTK also be handed out seed potatoes for the King’s Soup later in the year.

See more pictures from 2011.



November, Eat and Meet with the From The Ground Up Food Cooperative at Steph’s house, New Malden: From The Ground Up needed help and ideas. From The Ground Up was growing so this was an opportunity to have a voice in its development and what it could offer the Kingston community, policy, funding, marketing, products, volunteering, technology, community activities (e.g. schools) and anything else people wanted to talk about.  And all with great food!

November, Diversity workshop at C-SCAIPE, Kingston University: Catrina Pickering of the Transition Network (the charity set up to support Transition initiatives) came from Devon to run this workshop, exploring issues around power and diversity, and learning how to take effective action to reach the corners of our local community we hadn’t yet managed to engage.

October, Faith & the Environment Seminar, Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Kingston: as well as guest speakers from different faith stances, there were displays on sustainable living, films, free refreshments and chance for group discussions using inspirational ideas from round the world for how we should live in harmony with our environment. Everyone, of any faith/belief or none, was welcome at this free event, co-organised with Kingston Inter Faith Forum. 

October, Incredible Edible Todmorden London conference, Peckham: Incredible Edible Todmorden aims to increase the amount of local food grown and eaten in their town. This was an opportunity to hear about what had been achieved so far in Peckham and how we could learn from it – for example they had involved every school in the town in food growing. 

October, Wild Law Lecture, Kingston Univeristy, KT1 2EE: representatives from the UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) talked us through the concepts and shed light on how we could rethink our legal and political systems to stop environmental destruction.

September, Greening Business Forum at Kingston Environment Centre, Fairfield East: TTK's Business Action Group were at the Green Business Day, helping to explore green business and specifically how to develop an environmental policy and action plan.

August, London Permaculture Festival at Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regents Park Road, London NW1: the London Permaculture Festival was packed with workshops, films, demonstrations, talks, and networking, all helping Londoners to engage with their local activist projects, community gardens, and Transition Town groups throughout the city.

July, Electric Vehicle Exhibition, Kingston Market Place: a display of the latest electric vehicles on offer from all the leading manufacturers – could they play a role in a lower energy future?  + Public debate “Electric dreams or future nightmares? the pros and cons of electric vehicles” in the Market House, Thursday 2-3pm, organised by TTK Energy Group. See write-up.

July, Transition Town Kingston Big Lunch Family Picnic at Knollmead Permaculture Reserve: we welcomed all members of TTK, their families and friends, to a celebration picnic BBQ as our contribution to The Big Lunch, a national day of street parties. We joined with other groups including Permaculture and Kutlets at Kingston’s forest garden, established 19 years ago as a fun, sociable and easy way of producing local food. The lush site was now a beautiful wooded corner of Kingston, abundant with wildlife, wild flowers and organically grown food, in an allotment area opposite Knollmead Primary School.

June, Open Meeting at Richard Mayo Centre, United Reform Church, KT1 1HZ: for those working on a project, or who had a new green idea for Kingston or wanted to find out more about TTK, to meet like-minded people, join up all Kingston’s great green activities and get support from each other for projects, events and initiatives.

June, Waste to Energy debate at C-SCAIPE, Kingston University: a debate to tease out the pros and cons of this contentious issue. 

May, Open Meeting : Where are we going next & how do we get there? at C-SCAIPE, Kingston University: TTK had made immense progress in its two years of existence and this was a time to look at where we were, where we were going in the next 2 years, and how to get there. This open meeting aimed to provide everyone with an opportunity to kick-start new projects or join up with existing ones, find people to work with and let others know what they’ve been doing and what they’d like to do. Together, we’d find ways to make it happen.

May, visit to SELCHP Energy Recovery Facility in South Bermondsey, with a presentation and tour of the facility, organised by Julie Middleditch of TTK’s Council Group – see write-up.

April ,Transition Town Kingston Big Launch Party at Kingston Working Men’s Club: an evening to celebrate what we’d done so far and plan for the future. TTK came of age! See report and pics.

March, ArtGym, Kingston Town Centre: four inter-generational creative workshops to envisage a greener Kingston – see report.

March, Eco Home Tour, New Malden: Chris Hine, Kingston Green Guardian winner, opened his home to TTK members – arranged by TTK’s Energy Group.

See pictures from 2010.