Transition Town Kingston (TTK) is a local community group (formally an "unincorporated organisation"), part of an international movement educating and campaigning on the climate and nature crises and encouraging the transition to a sustainable low-carbon future. We aim to create a resilient local community by: exploring alternatives to fossil-fuels; encouraging sustainable consumption and food production; supporting practical projects; organising events and workshops; sharing ideas, skills, information and news... 

"... If we wait for the governments, it'll be too little, too late. If we act as individuals, it'll be too little. But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time."  Rob Hopkins, Transition movement founder, in "What is a Transition Initiative?"

Find out more about us and TTK activities you might like to participate in, and if you'd like to discuss sustainability issues and/or find out more, you'd be very welcome at one of our events or workshops or our monthly Green Drinks (see below), or visit our Facebook group. See the latest TTK flier, with pictures, here, updated in November 2024.

Membership of this website
has no advantages or benefits and is intended just for core group admin and business; instead we invite you to sign up for our monthly newsletter Kingston Environment News  or to support TTK in other ways.    

  RC logo small, mixKingston 
Find out more here,
and see news and updates on TTK's Repair Cafe project here



Keep up with what's happening in green Kingston in the monthly e-newsletter, Kingston Environment News 




 Meet us at Green Drinks and other TTK events. And/or see Groups and Projects for other ongoing activities.  




 Find green enterprises - we have passed on the info in our Green e-Directory to the new South London Partnership Zero Waste Map, which is likely to be more comprehensive and up-to-date than our Directory, which has been archived.


Coming up

TTK core group meeting

Tuesday 25 February 2025

RC logo blue&orange

Repair Café Kingston

Saturday 01 March 2025

TTK Energy Group meeting

Tuesday 04 March 2025

Contact TTK