TTK is a member of TCC, whose next action, timed to influence MPs to support an ambitious net zero emissions target and a strong Environment Bill, is a mass lobby of MPs at midday on 26th June, when thousands of people will come together in London to tell their MPs that it’s time to take action on climate change and environmental decline. The mass lobby is being organised by The Climate Coalition and Greener UK, two coalitions of organisations that represent millions of people across the UK, and they want as many as possible to join in to show the government that this is an issue voters care about – so please try to get some new people to participate by spreading the word in your various networks. The queue of lobbyists around Westminster will be arranged by constituency - fancy dress and entertainers welcome!
If you can’t be in London on the day, there are other ways to engage with your MP and there will be resources to help on TCC website.
Find out more at and sign up at