TTK Energy Group energy advice sessions

Monday 05 December 2022
18:30 to 19:30

 Transition Town Kingston - Energy Group are holding three energy advice sessions at Kingston Hive:

Session 1, on 28 November, sets the scene describing fuel poverty and it causes together with a first look at low cost measures to reduce our energy consumption.

Session 2, on 5 November, covers detailed practical advice on simple measures we can all take to reduce energy use in our homes.

Session 3, on 12 November, will be a review of sessions 1 and 2 plus advice on where to get funding for energy efficiency measures and other support with energy costs.

Each session starts at 18:30 and lasts around an hour. You can just turn up on the night but, to give us an idea of numbers, it is better if you RSVP on the Hive website at

Kingston Hive