market place

GreenZone 2022

Sunday 25 September 2022
10:00 to 17:15

GZlogoGreenZone is coming to the town centre on Sunday 25th September, during The Climate Coalition's Great Big Green Week and Kingston Council's Sustainable September - so please keep the date free and watch this space for details as they emerge. 

In the Market Place, stalls and entertainment

On the stage: We Are the Voice children's environmental choir and Welcome from the Mayor of Kingston + other music

In the Market House, a programme of talks and workshops on green themes, including:Nature arts & crafts for 4-8-year-olds (booking essential); Seven ways to rewild your green space; Zero Carbon House; Rupert Read's Keynote talk:Join the 'moderate flank’ (find out more and book here); Heat pumps and other scary (green) things...; Inner Transition - and lots more topics, including climate justice; waste tips, greening businesses; sustainable transport; climate grief; how change happens... See detailed information on the acts, workshops and speakers, updated as and when they are confirmed.

Kingston Market Place and Market House
Cost Free, though donations towards expenses always welcome