Stitch in Time - WATCH THIS SPACE
Thursday 05 August 2021
19:00 to 20:30
This month's session may have to be cancelled owing to Covid quarantine and lack of volunteer supervisors - watch this space before setting out.
TTK's monthly Stitch in Time sociable sewing sessions will be back at the Circulatory on Thursday 5th August, 7.00 - 8.30ish. Watch this space to see how ever-changing Covid rules affect us or for other updates. Until Covid-19 has disappeared we will continue to be cautious about participants’ health* - this is essentially an indoor activity with room upstairs at the Circulatory for social spacing, but it is not always possible to keep one’s distance while helping each other with sewing tasks, so please bring and wear face-masks and use hand sanitizer on arrival..
If no one turns up, we will close early so we suggest not turning up after 8.00pm.
Bring your own sewing repair/upcycling/alteration project - we don't do the sewing for you but will show you how to mend or alter or renovate. We have lots of fabrics, thread, buttons, bits and pieces and sewing equipment and sewing machines, but if you need a particular item, e g, a zip, please bring that too. Here's something we could make if there are no repairs to do - or we could start a big patchwork projector or something else creative.
Helpers who can assist other people with their sewing projects and/or who understand sewing machines and/or who can teach us new skills are always welcome. Our experience is that everyone who comes along learns something as we all know different things!
Free, first Thursday evenings every month - but check this website before setting out!
Location |
The Circulatory, Chiltern Works, next to Berrylands station, Chiltern Drive Surbiton KT5 8LS (view map) |
Cost | FREE |