Stitch in Time - postponed yet again
Thursday 05 November 2020
18:00 to 20:00
We were hoping to continue our monthly sociable sewing sessions at The Circulatory on the first Thursday evening of November, but the new Covid rules for London, announced on 15/11/20 - see - include a ban on households mixing indoors - and that, sadly, includes our sewing workshops.
So please keep an eye on this page for new dates, confirmation, details and updates on Covid-19 restrictions, e g on numbers. You may need to reserve your place.
TTK's Stitch in Time hopes to continue its monthly sociable sewing sessions* at The Circulatory one day, subject to Covid updates and regulations. There is plenty of room upstairs at The Circulatory for spacing and sewing safely. - and here's how we hope it will work:
Drop in at any time between 6.00 and 8.00pm with your sewing problems, but if no one has turned up by 8.30 we will clear up and go home.
Covid-19 precautions:
Please bring your own refreshments, along with your own projects. Participants should observe social distancing as far as possible, sanitise their hands on arrival (bring your own sanitiser if possoble), wear face masks, and stay away if unwell. We will need to take contact details of participants in case of a need to "track and trace" and there will probably be an upper limit on numbers at any one time.
Please email to let us know and reserve your space if you intend to come along - we need to keep track of numbers to ensure safe spacing, and to be able to contact you if the Covid-19 situation or rules change.
* TTK's sociable repair, alteration and upcycling workshop, a STITCH IN TIME, can help you to:
- keep useful clothes and fabrics out of landfill,
- give new life to old favourites,
- save money,
- be creative - and have fun.
If you’d like to learn to sew, or you have sewing skills you’d like to share, please come along on the first Thursday evening of every month (current proposed time!).
All welcome to drop in for an hour or two with a making, altering or mending project for help or advice, or to share your skills and expertise with others. We won’t do the sewing for you - we’ll just show you how and share our kit, sewing machines, and occasional seasonal or creative projects...
If you would like to help with and/or run the occasional stitching session, please get in touch.
The Circulatory is on the industrial estate next to Berrylands Station and visible from the road - coming out of the Station, turn right. Knock loudly on the door facing you for entry or use the side door to your left..
Location |
Upstairs at The Circulatory, Unit 5, Chiltern Way, (at the bottom of Chiltern Drive), adjacent to Berrylands Railway Station. Surbiton |
Cost | FREE, though donations towards the running costs of The Circulatory welcome. |