Transition to personal resilience

“People who are drawn to Transition care deeply about the world around them, their children, their communities and about the future of life on this planet, but all too often give more of their time, energy and skills than is sustainable. When engaged with Transition, what is the best way to stay balanced in what we give and receive, protect space and time for rest, and find sources of nourishment that restore our reserves? Alongside social and community resilience, the more personally resilient we are, the more we are able to face, and respond to, the challenges of our times…”

(From Transition Network on personal resilience)


Current initiatives

Action for Happiness “Exploring What Matters” courses

These take place occasionally in or near Kingston. Participants can meet with like-minded people to explore what really matters in life and find new ways of looking at things to make ourselves and our community happier. The courses are available to all regardless of financial circumstances, but donations to cover costs are always welcome.

One outcome of the September 2018 course in Kingston, run by Mo from TTK, will be a Happy Café, in Kingston - watch this space and our newsletter for updates.

Action for Happiness also holds bigger events in central London - find out more here



Past initiatives

TTK’s Inner Transition group: led by Lucy, the Inner Transition group held get-togethers in North Kingston to help participants to restore balance and de-clutter their lives. Anyone wanting to increase their personal resilience was welcome to go along.